Having been brought up in an Eastern culture where meditation takes place on a daily basis, it’s so intrinsically a part of me and my daily life. Having learnt a few simple things paired with some design principles, I’m sharing my 3 top tips for creating a meditation space and hope it will help you create a better meditative area in your home.
In the western world the ‘meditation’ is a fairly newish concept (in the last 40 – 50 years or so) and today it has become more mainstream with apps and workshops available at our fingertips. However Eastern cultures have been practising meditation for thousands of years. How is it possible for these cultures to practice meditation for so long and how is it so easy for them and yet many in the western world are still struggling?
I don’t have the answer! But I know that being brought up in the UK and having an Eastern background has shown me we have far too much stress in our lives, we spend too much time on our phones, on social media etc. and not enough time connecting with the higher self, quietening the mind and just giving ourselves the chance to breathe.

Firstly meditation is different for all of us. I come from a culture where mantra meditation is considered the highest form of meditation. It’s basically where you recite a Sanskrit mantra or sing along to a Sanskrit mantra usually around other congregation in a temple room accompanied by instruments.
If you’re lucky it can be pretty good fun, awesome beats and jingles you can’t forget! I’ve linked a fun album at the bottom of this post if you’re curious 😉 Or it can also put you in a blissful meditative state of mind.
There are other forms of meditation, breath work, stretching yoga obvs, listening to a guided meditation, sitting in silence or listening to music etc. They’re all great and you need to find the one that works for you and your mental health.
I’d like to share with you fa few tips rom my Eastern background thanks to my parents and the Indian culture I was brought up in.
You don’t need to be religious to meditate and it doesn’t need to go against your current belief system either. Meditation is meant to help the mind, body and soul. Ultimately it’s all about love, whether you love yourself or the divine. It’s totally up to you!

Tip no. 1: Create a segregated space
If you have ever been to an Indian person’s house and notice that they have a small altar with deities or a temple room? This is their segregated space for meditation, it’s where they will worship and practice their daily prayers.
Now you don’t need to have an altar or special room (unless of course, you have the space even better!). All you need a little space in your home you can call your “meditation space”. It could be a special chair or a comfy cushion you love.
The point is to create a pattern that tells your brain, it’s time to relax now and meditate by sitting in this space. I feel like this is absolutely key when meditating creating a designated space like other places in your home.
Trying to switch off is really important and key when meditating. Choosing a place which will help you switch off and allow you to meditate. So if you’re trying to meditate in your bed, for example, you could end up falling asleep! So try to find somewhere which gives you the mental space and allows your mind to actually meditate.

Tip no. 2: De-clutter
Second, on our 3 top tips for creating a meditation space is clutter – arggh! The arch-enemy of the home!!
It goes without saying, but your meditation area needs to be free of clutter, mess or anything that could distract/annoy you whilst meditating. Ideally, you want your meditation area to be as minimal as possible so that your mind doesn’t dwell on that messy pile of clothes, for example.
If your meditation area is facing a wall you might want to clear the area. Perhaps paint it a soft calming colour that speaks to you such as soft green or pink. You could add a little space to add your meditation paraphilia – crystals, books, meditation beads etc.
If you’re meditating outwards in a room give it a clean-up before you sit down to meditate otherwise your mind will create a list of things to do instead of relaxing!

Tip no. 3: Make it a ritual
Third and final tip of 3 top tips for creating a meditation space is making it a ritual. One thing I noticed when it comes down to the meditation practices in the Indian culture is that it is performed every day and often more than once.So when you make it a ritual or habit it’s easier to perform. It becomes intrinsically part of your day.
For example, sitting in your meditation spot every morning for 5 minutes will help create a habit and make it easier to do your meditation than to practice it randomly.
Try scheduling it in your diary or place a post-it note to remind you.

Bonus tip: Scent is important
Might sound weird but scent plays an important role to me when meditating. Whenever I smell the incense burning it automatically takes me back to my parents morning meditation routine. Again doing something ritualistic helps trigger your mind to relax and focus on meditation.
There are so many different sensory options available from candles, burning sage to incense sticks. Find something that works for you and sets you into a zen-like state.
Neom candles are my favourite and help me relax and Nag Champa incense are great if you like incense sticks.

Meditation Tools
Here are some meditation tools I use and love.
Mantra Lounge (absolutely love this album!)
Guided meditation by Jason Stephenson
Really hope you’ve enjoyed this post! Don’t forget to check out my post on How to create home happiness here.
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